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HEALTH CRISIS:Eswatini Concerned Citizens to deliver nationwide petitions as King’s extravagant lifestyle triggers serious shortage of drugs in government hospitals.

Wednesday, 21st June, 2023

MBABANE:Lucky Dlamini, the Chairperson of the Swaziland United Democratic Front(SUDF) has confirmed that Eswatini Concerned Citizens will soon embark on a nationwide delivery of petitions, amid shortage of drugs in hospitals across the country.

Eswatini, a tiny Kingdom situated in Southern Africa and ruled by Mswati as an absolute Monarch, is facing a serious health crisis.

The health crisis, triggered by government failure to provide drugs in hospitals, has resulted to the death of hundreds of patients.

On Tuesday morning, Concerned Citizens under the SUDF delivered a petition at Sobhuza Clinic-kaKhoza, about one(1) kilometer from the densely populated Manzini town.

Speaking to this Swaziland News, Lucky Dlamini, the Chairperson of the SUDF said the health crisis in the country, now requires citizens to address it as it affects them directly.

“We can confirm that Ka-Khoza Concerned Citizens delivered a petition at Sobhuza Clinic, more petitions will soon be delivered in all health facilities across the country in demand for drugs,” said the SUDF Chairperson.

Lizzie Nkosi, the Minister of Health had not responded at the time of compiling this report.

The delivery of petitions come at the time when the health was not only attracting the attention of political entities or the general members of the public, Members of Parliament(MPs) Marwick Khumalo and Macford Sibandze recently came hard on Health Minister Lizzie Nkosi for failing to address the crisis.

Worth-noting, the crisis erupted long before the appointment of the current Health Minister Lizzie Nkosi, it allegedly came as a result of Government failure to provide a sufficient budget for the Ministry of Health, more billions, of public funds sustain King Mswati’s lavish lifestyle.

Recently, Mswati allegedly used public funds to purchase over twenty(20) new Mercedes Benz including four(4) Vianos collectively worth over R50million, the polygamous King purchased the vehicles for his wives.

Mayibongwe Masangwane is the Secretary General(SG) of the Swaziland Democratic Nurses Union(SWADNU.

The Nurses Union Secretary Genera told this Swaziland News on Tuesday that as health workers, they welcome the idea to deliver the petitions to Government hospitals and clinics across the country, he said this will demonstrate the magnitude and/or seriousness of the health crisis.

“We have been creating awareness that the situation in hospitals is getting worse but  Government seems reluctant to address the crisis. Maybe, once the public stands-up and demand the medication,government will prioritize the issue,” said the Nurses Union Secretary General.

Eswatini has been relying on the United States(US) among other donors, to fund the health system particularly on Human Immune deficiency Virus(HIV) eradication programs while taxpayers monies fund Mswati’s lavish lifestyle.

 HEALTH CRISIS:Eswatini Concerned Citizens to deliver nationwide petitions as King’s extravagant lifestyle triggers serious shortage of drugs in government hospitals.
PUDEMO member Nontsetselelo Nkambule delivering a petition on behalf of Ka-Khoza concerned citizens, in demand for drugs in hospitals.