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Open letter to King’s Spokesperson Percy Simelane on News24 “downfall of the Monarchy” prediction.

Saturday, 5th August, 2023

In your response to the predictions made by the News24 Africa Desk Editor Lenin Ndebele, which was published on the Swaziland News I think you are mistaken by your notion that, “we are not under any pressure”.

Maybe you don't understand what the term. Pressure” refers to in the English language dictionary.

I would like to categorically share my opinion why I think that your statement is wanting.

1) You were recalled from retirement to work in the Communications Office of the King's Office because of pressure.

2) The King has not conducted graduations at the University of Swaziland for the past two years or so because of pressure.

3) The soldiers who stand by the road when the King is travelling wear masks because of pressure.

4) We now have foreign soldiers in the country because of pressure.

5) There is a helicopter on the  air each time the head of state is travelling because of pressure.

6) Traffic is entirely blocked on the road when the King is on route because of 


7) The Anti Commission Commission is toothless because of pressure.

There was so much interference in the case of MP T. Myeni wanting to stand for elections at Lubulini Inkhundla because of pressure.

9) The vetting of the people who wanted jobs at the EBC was done to victimize those who participated in solidarity campaigns because of pressure.

10) Princess Dlalisile was ready to tell the world what she termed, “konkhe” because of pressure.

I can go on and on till you fall down reading. 

What do you mean Mnguni when you say we are not under any pressure? Ngini laba labayenga leNkhosi ize ibhuce tintfo. 

Dialogue is the way to go,to take away all the pressure from the King. Sibuyele siphile kahle sisive. STOP FOOLING AROUND PERCY. PEOPLE ARE DYING.

Open letter to King’s Spokesperson Percy Simelane on News24 “downfall of the Monarchy” prediction.
King’s Spokesperson Percy Simelane.