Good day Editor.
Your overly critical sentiments towards both the office and person of the King on the ongoing proceedings of SIBAYA is not only in bad - taste but also unfair.
The role of His Majesty the King in the proceedings of Sibaya, is pure and simple: LISTEN TO EMASWATI SUBMISSIONS! The role of directing the proceedings are entirely left in the hands of TINDVUNA.
It is also important to note Mlangeni, that the intervention of the officer who grabbed the microphone was not ordered or solicited by either TINDVUNA, the moderators or the penalist/presenter.
Issues of “political romance” therefore,as the editor puts it; does not arise at all.
While the incident remains unfortunate and government unreservedly apologies to Mr Sibusiso Dlamini,members of the public are requested kindly, to respect and heed the call of the moderators when they inform you that your time is up.Incidents like the one which occurred yesterday can be avoided - bearing in mind though,that it's not Angels who are moderating or participating in these SIBAYA deliberations but human beings who bound by their human nature to err.
Government appeals to members of the fourth estate(media) not to author unnecessary drama over the incident.
Siyabonga Mhleli weliphepha.

Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo(left) during Sibaya.