It is absurd for the Limkokwing University of Creative and Technology(LUCT) Director Princess Tfobile to employ Lecturers on one(1)year contracts, the nature of this employment suggests that, the Lecturers must be employed on an indefinite period.
Education is not a temporal job,perhaps the Limkokwing University and the Director must be taken to court to justify why Lecturers are employed on one(1) year contracts and if this does not undermine the quality of education within the institution of higher learning.
Princess Tfobile’s iron fist leadership style is now a matter of public concern in that, it grossly undermines the quality of education, parents are paying monies for services in that University and therefore the administration of the institution,is of vital public interest.
Lecturers are respected professionals in society but the Limkokwing University is reducing them into useless casual employees while undermining their professional dignity.
The purpose of seeking employment among others, is to improve your life and the one(1) contracts deprive the Lecturers access to bank loans and other services or facilities that might require indefinite employment for eligibility.
It is therefore important to state that, the terms and conditions of employment must not only meet the professional standards and status of the Lecturers in society but, must not undermine their professional dignity.
Stakeholders must keep their eyes on that institution of higher learning, it seems there is a leadership crisis, Princess Tfobile’s must be stopped before it’s too late.
Job security,in this regard, is fundamental to enhance the rendering of quality services by the Lecturers.
Limkokwing University(pic: Limkokwing).