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LETTER TO THE EDITOR:We are being abused as men, a law must be passed for compulsory DNA test before registration of birth certificates.

Monday, 20th November, 2023

Dear Editor.

Thank you for being our voice as men, the reality is that even the Sexual Offenses and Domestic Violence(SODV) Act is enforced selectively to favour or protect women.

As men, when we run to the Police Station to report abuse, we are not taken seriously, imagine discovering at the age of thirty eight(38) years that your surname is not actually your original surname, and your mother has been hiding this from you and her husband.

As the father who was tricked to maintain a child that is not yours, you are expected to understand and be polite kutsiwe yemukela bowentela Nkulunkulu, you can even suffer a stroke for this kind of abuse.

Action must be taken to protect men from abuse at the hands of women and we need a law that will ensure that DNA test is compulsory conducted before the registration of a birth certificate.

Men have suffered for too long at the hands of women, that’s why some of us, we are reluctant to get married.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR:We are being abused as men, a law must be passed for compulsory DNA test before registration of birth certificates.
Mapule Kunene who was recently exposed abusing a man.