While investigating Chief Justice(CJ) Bheki Maphalala,I was extremely disappointed to see Judge Mbutfo Mamba’s name featuring in the CJ’s corrupt puzzle, in the matter between the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions(DPP) and Motor Vehicle thieves Mfankhona ‘Kakona’ Dlamini and Senzo Sibeko.
Judge Mamba has been maintaining and protecting his integrity for all these years, it would be very unfortunate if he has joined the CJ’s corrupt syndicate of Judges that implement unlawful orders when deciding cases.
Chief Justice Bheki Maphalala will eventually fall,it’s just a matter of time.
It is therefore important to warn Judge Mamba to act in the interest of justice not in the corrupt interest of CJ Bheki Maphalala, all corrupt Judges will be exposed and account one-by-one, we don’t want untouchable judicial thieves in this country.
The Judiciary is not a personal business for the CJ and very soon, Maphalala will fall and account for all the corrupt practices he has been committing, messing-up the justice system, a very critical arm of government that is the last hope for the poor and vulnerable.
As a result of the corruption in the judiciary, lawyers are now unable to practice what they learned in the University, the corrupt justice system has forced some of them to use short-cuts, bribing Judges to win cases.
But the Chief Justice long crossed the line,we almost lost the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions(DPP) Israel Magagula after the CJ colluded with criminals and interfered in the constitutional independence of the Office of the DPP.
Allegations later emerged suggesting that, Magagula was almost killed by a syndicate of killers linked to Chief Justice’s Motor Vehicle thieves, these are serious allegations and the ongoing interference by the Head of the Judiciary in the independence of institutions of the State is a matter of serious concern.
I may not agree with the Deputy DPP because he handled some politically motivated criminal cases but in principle, the independence of the Office of the DPP must be protected from the bullying tendencies of the Chief Justice and his team of corrupt Judges.
It is therefore important for Judge Mbutfo Mamba to understand that, the CJ is not the Judiciary, the Judiciary is an institution tasked with the fair administration of justice and to protect the citizens particularly, the poor and vulnerable.
As the situation stands,the courts have been turned into an incubator of corruption and justice, as my late lawyer Mandla Mkhwanazi suggested, is being sold to the rich and powerful.
This country has been turned into a mafia State where the rich, powerful and politically connected use even the courts to yield power over the poor and vulnerable.
Judges who want to keep their jobs must refrain from taking unlawful orders from the corrupt Chief Justice but, decide cases independently, and in accordance with the law.
Chief Justice Bheki Maphalala is corrupt to the core, he castrated the Anti Corruption Commission(ACC) through a corrupt ‘judgement’ so that, he can loot even public monies within the Master of the High Court Offices with impunity.

Judge Mbutfo Mamba.