I once sent a questionnaire to Majozi Sithole, the then Governor of the Central Bank of eSwatini about the effects of corruption in a society.
The former Finance Minister who once revealed in Parliament that, the country was losing over R40million per-month to corruption stated categorically that,corruption enables the corrupt to accumulate wealth and then use those monies to hold the poor and powerless hostage.
In the same questionnaire,I asked the then Governor how did he came to the conclusion that, the country was losing over R40million per-month to corruption and he stated that, as the Governor “he was privileged to know corrupt transactions manifesting within the various banks”,
Perhaps, it is worth mentioning that, SwaziPharm Director Kareem Ashraff is doing exactly what the former Governor said the corrupt do, he is actually the ‘King’ looting public funds in the Ministry of Health with impunity.
On Monday evening,I was speaking to Intelligence sources,receiving first hand information how Ashraff tried to influence the previous Cabinet to stop the investigation into the shortage of drugs in public hospitals.
The mere fact that,Ashraff is controlling some of the Cabinet Ministers and they are taking instructions from him not Mswati who appointed them,means Ashraff is fast becoming powerful more than the King.
State intelligence officers must secure the necessary legal documents or permission and obtain Kareem Ashraff’s MTN Eswatini communication data,they will see how frequent Ashraff communicates with Chief Justice Bheki Maphalala,senior police officers,MPs,Cabinet Ministers, senior Army Officials and King’s Protocol Officers among others.
As to what Ashraff is busy with in this country while communicating with almost all influential people, is a subject for another day.
But for now, all I can say is;
Bayethe Wena Wase-Indonesia, libuse ngoba liphetfwe yimphuphutse!!!
Wena lokhuluma kanye kugijime emajaji,Tindvuna teMbuso kanye nabo-Sgacamabhande.
Wena lowabhadalwa sihlomolo seti-gidzigidzi letingemakhulu lamabili eMalangeni,wadla lifa letiwula, kwafa emaSwati etibhedlela ngenca yekweswelakala kwemitsi.
Wena loweba imali yemaSwati bese lenye uyifihle kulakini, lenye uHolele Mswati njalo ngenyanga!!!.
Wena lokhotsamelwa bahleli nebabhali betindzaba, kube ngatsi bakhotsamela emaKhosi!.
Wena lokhotsamelwa ngemajaji kanye neli-jaji lenkhulu, indvuna yeMcuba Maphalala.
Wena lophetse emafayela abo bonkhe labatsatsa umdizo kuwe, wena longaboshwa ngoba, imali yekwebiwa, ikwenta ube ngetulu kwemtsetfo.
Wena mtfungi wema-sudu elijaji lelikhulu.
Bayethe wena wase-Indonesian!!uyalibusa, ngemali yetiwula. Awucedvwa Mndonesha!!!.

Kareem Ashraff.