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OPINION:Analyzing SwaziPharm Director Kareem Ashraff’s failed plot to kill editor and the whistleblower drug dealer with a good heart.

Tuesday, 12th December, 2023

SwaziPharm Director Kareem Ashraff allegedly engaged multimillionaire Mozambican mafias about two(2)weeks ago,in a plot to kill me for investigating and exposing the looting of millions within the Ministry of Health.

But luckily,one of the dangerous Mozambican drug dealers who is an alleged friend to Ashraff made efforts to ensure that the information reached me as matter of urgency.

On the very same day,I received a call from my former editor Charles Matsebula who once worked as an investigative journalist for the Times Sunday, that was on or around 30th November 2023.

Charles Matsebula,one of Kareem Ashraff’s alleged media boys proposed to meet me in Johannesburg to discuss a certain business.

I agreed that he must come to South Africa and he wasn’t aware that I was already aware that Ashraff was activating his mafia network in the plot to assassinate me.

Some of the businesspeople linked to Ashraff and implicated in the health crisis looting took international trips to relax,they were waiting for the news that I’ve been shot and killed.

When Charles Matsebula arrived in Johannesburg,he first sent a Whatsap message informing me that,he was ready for our meeting and I ignored him.

The former editor then flooded me with messages,at some point, the messages demonstrated desperation because he was sure that we will meet, not knowing that,I was communicating with the network of the Mozambican drug dealer and I was receiving an update about the plot.

Charles Matsebula spent almost a week in Johannesburg saying he was waiting to see me to discuss a very important business deal and after realizing that I was neither responding nor picking-up his calls,he sent this following message.

“May I assure u of the following nkhosi.I shall always love u.Shall always respect you.Shall always support & protect you.Shall never disappoint nor betray u”.

The above message is very suspicious and the question that came to mind is;how did Matsebula afforded a Hotel and Guest House costs for a week as he “is facing financial challenges?.

SwaziPharm Director Kareem Ashraff who allegedly looted over R500million in the Ministry of Health within three(3) years conducted a research and discovered that, I respect and trust Charles Matsebula as my former boss in the media.

But he failed to understand that as an investigative journalist,to me,everyone is a suspect and I’m more careful about those who are closer to me.

For all these years,I was aware that, Charles Matsebula “is Ashraff’s boy”, he was even residing in one of his houses in the suburbs of the capital city Mbabane, just that I keep some information for my own intelligence files.

Kareem Ashraff thought he was the only ‘mafia’, I will not disclose other information for now but Ashraff must know that, the investigation into the theft of public funds continues.

I will also investigate the allegations suggesting that,he is using his questionable diplomatic status to smuggle dangerous drugs via the King Mswati International Airport,it’s time Kareem Ashraff understands that, he is not untouchable.

Maybe to him, it’s not enough that, he was granted diplomatic status that enabled him to use our country as a conduit to smuggle dangerous drugs to other countries and because he is a millionaire, he must hire lawyers and take me court here in South Africa if he disputes the context of this article,I want to teach him a good lesson.

But above all,I thank God for saving my life from Ashraff and his mafia,those drug dealers who work with Ashraff allowed themselves to be used by God and leak the information.

Kareem Ashraff must not even try to guess who might be the drug dealer, he engaged different groups of mafias in Mozambique and he must know that, he is yet to be exposed with more information regarding this plot.

As a Christian,I understand that God can use even a drug dealer to save your life,the health crisis investigation is meant to save lives and Kareem Ashraff must understand that we don’t have another country.

In conclusion, let me state categorically clear that,I will compile all the evidence and the chain of communication in the plot to kill me by Ashraff, even former editor Charles Matsebula’s messages.

Kareem Ashraff is very dangerous but I decided to investigate him knowing what he is capable of doing and I will continue to do so, we don’t want untouchable thieves in this country who are looting public resources with impunity.

I’ve been informed that in the past few weeks,Kareem Ashraff tried six(6) times to meet King Mswati and the King has been avoiding him.

Even if he eventually meets the King he must know that, he won’t get immunity from this publication.

We want drugs in public hospitals and he must return all the millions he allegedly looted from the State,so that we can procure drugs and other working equipment for the Ministry of Health.

OPINION:Analyzing SwaziPharm Director Kareem Ashraff’s failed plot to kill editor and the whistleblower drug dealer with a good heart.
Kareem Ashraff