KWALUSENI:The Administration of the University of Eswatini(UNESWA) has informed all first year students that, only those paying from their own pockets will commence their studies and those who secured scholarships from Government have been told to wait until the August 2024 intake.
In a text message sent to the University students this week,the Administration further informed the students that, this resolution was adopted by the University Senate.
“UNESWA applicants who were admitted for the 2023/2024 academic year, are hereby advised that Senate has resolved that the 2023/2024 academic year should commence on the 15 April 2024. Orientation is scheduled to start on 15 April 2024.Registration starts on 18 April 2024 and classes will commence on 22 April 2024."
Reached for comments,Gabie Ndukuya,the President of the Swaziland National Union of Students(SNUS) said,the purpose of the enrolling the first year students in April 2024 “is to collect funds” to mitigate the ongoing financial crisis within the institution of higher learning.
“The truth is; all the students will start in August 2024 but they are trying to collect money from the self-funded students to mitigate the ongoing financial crisis within the institution. Once they pay, they might find ways to tell them to start in August with the other Government funded students”, said the Students President.
Reached for comments,Dr. Salebona Simelane,the Registrar of the University of Eswatini(UNESWA) confirmed knowledge of the gradual intake but,he promised to share more details with this publication at the later stage.
“It’s that some students will start in April but, will come back to you Nkhosi later with more details how this will work”,said the UNESWA Registrar.
The Registrar then came back with a press statement confirming the decision for the gradual intake with a few changes.
“The University would like to make the following announcement with respect to an adjustment to an earlier announcement made regarding the enrolment of new first year students and the commencement o f their classes in 2024:Classes for the admitted first-year full-time students, classes for the Institute of Post-Graduate Studies students and part-time classes for the admitted Institute of Distance Education (IDE) students who will pay their tuition and related fees shall commence on Monday, 15" April, 2024;Classes for the admitted first-year Mbabane Campus students who will pay their tuition and related fees shall commence on Monday,1 2 ‘February, 2024; and a second group of students who will not be able to enrol in April, 2024 shall enrol in August, 2024.Any inconvenience caused is regretted”, reads the statement in part.

University students.