I was receiving an update report from the Prosecution Authority sources suggesting that,the Director of Public Prosecutions(DPP) Lomvula Hlophe clashed with one of the investigators in the multi-million drugs shortage investigation.
The investigator is alleged to have secretly visited Ashraff and later came back with excuses, saying there was no evidence against the SwaziPharm Director despite all the damning information including the recently released Funduzi forensic report.
The source told me that,the DPP was very furious and assigned another detective to work on the specific assignment.
We need to keep a close eye to those security officers who prioritize money while the country is being destroyed by alleged corrupt individuals like Kareem Ashraff and no amount of bribe can wash away the mess within the Ministry of Health.
Well, we need to understand that,money is ‘King’ and Kareem Ashraff who allegedly looted public funds all these years,is now competing with King Mswati and using the stolen monies to influence decisions.
That’s what corrupt people do in many countries, once you allow them to accumulate wealth through corrupt means, they will then use the money to rule over you, they can even overthrow a Head of State or remove a legitimate government.
In a country where about 70% of the population lives below the poverty line, most public servants are likely to obey or submit to the authority of Ashraff even if King Mswati can issue an order, directing Government to deal with corruption.
The alleged corrupt people are loaded with cash and they will use that money to evade arrest.
It is for these reasons, we saw even Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo issuing an online statement trying to ‘clean’ Kareem Ashraff after the freezing of his bank accounts pending the investigation.
Some Government officials can claim to love the King but on the other hand, support corrupt people whose conduct resulted to the lack of service delivery in Government that might influence people to rebel against the King.
Alpheous Nxumalo in particular, is very vocal claiming to love the King but,he also supports Ashraff who allegedly looted State funds resulting to the drugs shortage scandal that placed Mswati’s questionable political leadership in the the spotlight.
Therefore, we are waiting to see who is the King in this country, is it Ashraff or Mswati?.
Chief Justice Bheki Maphalala, about half of the Cabinet Ministers,senior police and army officers, State captured journalists among others, are loyal to Kareem Ashraff who is now loaded with stolen cash.
It should be noted that, once the corrupt accumulate wealth, they will then use it to influence decisions even the King is now in serious trouble because on the other hand, he must prove to the Nation that, he was not involved in the looting of public funds within the Ministry of Health by ensuring the arrest of the suspects.
We were told that, Ashraff was paying King Mswati millions monthly and we waiting to see what will happen in the drugs shortage investigation.
The alleged criminals who looted public monies meant to purchase drugs committed murder and/or crimes against humanity considering the ongoing number of deaths within public hospitals.
Despite media reports suggesting that, people were dying in public hospitals amid shortage of drugs, Kareem Ashraff and his corrupt syndicate within the Ministry of Health, allegedly continued to steal taxpayer’s money and therefore, there might be elements of murder to influence an alternative charge apart from the fraud and corruption.
Therefore, we would be making a huge mistake if we handle this matter only on the fraud and corruption perspective, this is a case of fraud and corruption that resulted to the death of hundreds of patients.
But if everything or attempts to arrest the suspects fail,King Mswati must account because that would mean he was part of the syndicate.
This case will verify whether or not some of the allegations against the King are true.

FINANCE MINISTER’S BUDGET SPEECH:R160million to renovate King Mswati’s Palaces. PHOTO: Darren Stewart/Gallo Images