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OPINION:State propaganda submitted to the European Union(EU) Parliament on human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko’s assassination will not succeed,here are reasons.

Monday, 29th April, 2024

Over two thousand(2000)years ago,a Jewish regime under the Roman Empire arrested, tortured and subsequently killed Jesus after charging him with high treason.

The arrest that manifested in the garden of Getsemane situated on the Mount of Olives-east Jerusalem,came after Roman and Jewish State agents conducted surveillance whenever Jesus convened with a large crowd to preach about spiritual freedom and salvation.

Well,the ultimate motive was to fabricate politically motivated charges to justify the killing of Jesus whose popularity, created political insecurity among the rulers who claimed he elevated himself to the status of being the King of the Jews.

Worth-noting,Jesus as the Word,was there in the beginning when God in his Trinity,created the Heaven and Earth and shortly after his death nature reacted,there was an earthquake and the sun suspended the production of light in solidarity with him.

Nature has been communicating and taking orders from Jesus since its inception because the very same Jesus who was crucified, was there in the beginning as the Word, when nature was created.

But after being killed,Jesus continued with his mission, on that weekend,he spiritually travelled to a spiritual place called ‘Hades’ where the souls of those who died without accepting God are kept,that place is like a spiritual prison.

Jesus invaded that spiritual prison preached to those incarcerated there and subsequently grabbed the keys of death from the Devil,those who accepted him were immediately saved and transferred to Paradise.

But after Jesus rose from the dead subsequent to the killing and/or crucification, Jewish and Roman State agents were deployed to visit homes,spreading propaganda that Jesus did not rise from the dead but instead, his disciples sneaked to the grave and grabbed his body, this was State or politically motivated propaganda.

But over 2000 years later,the truth is still standing, Jesus rose from the death and is alive.

Now,the eSwatini regime under King Mswati is struggling to justify the killing of human rights lawyer Thulani Rudolf Maseko,the international community including the United States(US) and European Union(EU) Parliament received theories after demanding answers.

When agents of the regime killed Maseko,they thought they were killing a useless human being as Tinkhundla system has been, and continues to kill human rights defenders with impunity.

But the international community reacted after Maseko’s death demanding answers,in fact the whole world is shaking and now we are seeing the Tinkhundla cruel regime defending itself on international Parliament forums.

What the agents of this cruel and oppressive regime failed to understand is that, Thulani Rudolf Maseko was not the body we saw physically.

The human rights lawyer is a spiritual being and the truth about his death is also a spirit with the ability to stand and defend itself.

In fact Jesus said “I am the way,the truth and the life”and in this regard, the truth that human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko stood for, is Jesus himself,no one will ever succeed in creating narratives to try and cover the truth.

The truth is; human rights are violated in this country, there’s no democracy and poor citizens are killed through politically manufactured poverty, Thulani Maseko was killed for demanding justice and a better life for all.

Well I can write endlessly,articulating how it is impossible to sabotage the truth because the devil as the founder of lies,propaganda and deception was defeated by Jesus on the cross.

The context is;no amount of theories or State propaganda will ever clean this cruel regime that killed lawyer Thulani Rudolf Maseko.

The lawyer was killed in a joint operation involving the police,soldiers and State mercenaries a few hours after King Mswati threatened those calling for democracy.

Regardless of the delay,we will continue to wait patiently, for a United Nations(UN) credible investigation into the death of the prominent lawyer, State captured journalists can continue spreading propaganda but, the truth will come out.

The manner in which Thulani Rudolf was killed in front of his children and wife suggests that human rights defenders are not safe in this country.

We will therefore, continue to demand,as we hereby do,an international independent and credible investigation into human rights lawyer Thulani Rudolf Maseko’s death.

OPINION:State propaganda submitted to the European Union(EU) Parliament on human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko’s assassination will not succeed,here are reasons.
The late human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko.