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TUCOSWA SECRETARY GENERAL:Persecution of SNAT President,Public Transport Union boss Sticks Nkambule landed eSwatini on International Labour Organization(ILO) Special Agenda

Tuesday, 4th June, 2024

MBABANE:Mduduzi Gina,the Secretary General of the Trade Union Congress of Swaziland(TUCOSWA) says,the ongoing persecution of Mbongwa Dlamini, the President of the Swaziland National Association of Teachers(SNAT) and Public Transport Union Secretary General Sticks Nkambule landed eSwatini on the International Labour Organization(ILO)Special Paragraph Agenda.

Eswatini,a tiny Kingdom situated in Southern Africa is violating workers rights,trade union leaders are arrested,tortured or dismissed for representing the interests of workers.

Speaking to this Swaziland News Current Affairs program on Tuesday morning, the TUCOSWA Secretary General said,the banning of protests in the country by the Government was also reported to ILO as this,affected the work of unions.

“We have seen Government persecuting Mbongwa Dlamini and Sticks Nkambule for representing workers.The banning of protests by Government through an order directed to Town Councils not to grant permission to those who want to protest, affected the work of unions and these issues will be discussed by ILO this week”,said the TUCOSWA Secretary General.

During the discussions of the complaints filed by the workers with ILO,Government will be represented by Labour Minister Phila Buthelezi,Principal Secretary Makhosini Mndzawe,Labour Commissioner Mthunzi Shabangu while Nathie Dlamini, the Business Eswatini Chief Executive Officer(CEO) will be representing the interests of employers.

Gina said, being on the ILO Special Paragraph places eSwatini at the risk of being avoided by foreign investors or international partners.

“Foreign investors consider such issues before investing in any country because they don’t want to invest in countries that violate workers rights because, such countries are at the risk of being sanctioned or isolated by the world.It is for these reasons government takes the issue of being placed on the Special Paragraph seriously”, said the TUCOSWA Secretary General.

TUCOSWA SECRETARY GENERAL:Persecution of SNAT President,Public Transport Union boss Sticks Nkambule landed eSwatini on International Labour Organization(ILO) Special Agenda
TUCOSWA SG Mduduzi Gina with the Government team.