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MP Marwick Khumalo takes on Prime Minister Russell Dlamini for publicly attacking the Office of the Auditor General(AG).

Saturday, 8th June, 2024

It is very regrettable and unfortunate for His Excellency the Right Honorable Prime Minister Russell Dlamini to have vented out his frustrations in such a miscalculated manner on a matter that is before the Public Accounts Committee(PAC).

As a Member of the House of Assembly, the Prime Minister has two choices; either to wait for the report of the PAC which will be tabled in the House for debate and adoption or liaise with the PAC Chairman for him to appear before the PAC as an interested party with a view to offer clarifications or shed some light on the issue at hand, anything outside these options, is completely Out of Order. 

A leader of his stature, is expected to always approach contentious issues with calm, and disallow himself to be overwhelmed by emotions.

The Office of the Auditor General is independent and is supposed to be autonomous of any government department and is only answerable to parliament, not Cabinet. 

Wherever Parliaments exist throughout the civilised world, the Offices of the Auditor Generals are established so that they can do their work freely without being bullied or intimidated by members of the Executive branch. 

It was not necessary for the Prime Minister to denounce the Auditor General merely because he is conflicted and can ill-afford to use his position to undress the Auditor General in public to the point of questioning his credentials.

The Prime Minister is duty bound to protect and defend institutions that are pillars of good governance and good political standing such as the Office of the Auditor General, largely because as a country, we are judged by our attitude towards such bodies by the international partners and funders, potential investors, donor community etc. 

His Excellency the Prime Minister was appointed by His Majesty and serves as the Chairman of Cabinet and leader of government business in Parliament, and is no longer the CEO of NDMA. 

Therefore, his responsibilities are too serious for him to be confining himself to entities that are now the business of other persons. 

The Prime Minister not interfere in the operations of the NDMA, and likewise, he should leave the Auditor General to do his work as per his constitutional mandate.

I believe the Public Accounts Committee was making a political statement by suspending its sittings.

It would be setting a wrong precedent if they were to halt parliamentary business unabated purely on the basis of misguided sentiments expressed by a member of the House. 

Citizens or organizations that make it into the Auditor General’s report should be treated equally and without prejudice by the PAC.

Therefore, a special sitting of the House to deal with this matter can only give credibility to a non-issue.

We have faith in the work of the PAC and they should continue to execute their political assignment without hindrance or fear,working jointly with the Auditor General for the good of King and country.

MP Marwick Khumalo takes on Prime Minister Russell Dlamini for publicly attacking the Office of the Auditor General(AG).
Prime Minister Russell Mmiso Dlamini.