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Ex-MP Frans Dlamini confirms traveling to the United Kingdom(UK) but denies selling home,disappears as editor asked him to call wife in a group call with journalist.

Tuesday, 23rd July, 2024

MBABANE:France Dlamini,the former Nhlambeni Member of Parliament(MP) disappeared after being asked to call his wife who must confirm that the story suggesting that,he evicted his wife,sold the home and migrated to the United Kingdom(UK)  “is not true”.

This comes after the gospel artist called editor Zweli Martin Dlamini on Monday evening to confirm that indeed he travelled to the UK but denied selling the home.

“It’s true that I travelled to the UK but it’s not true that I evicted my wife,sold the home and my wife bought it back”, said the former MP.

When asked by the editor when last did he speak to his wife, the former MP said he communicates with his wife but not regularly.

“Siyachumana kodvwa hhayi kakhulu”, he said.

The editor then asked the former MP to call his wife immediately while they were in the call so that, the wife can deny the story if it’s not true, the ex-MP then claimed the wife was not available.

But the MP subsequently disappeared after the editor suggested that a group call between him(editor), the ex-MP, journalist Musa Mdluli who wrote the story and former MP’s wife Dumsile Msibi must be heard so that both of them can deny it publicly.

“Ngitsite mine nangabe uyaphika akubuye lomfati wakhe, kubuye lentsatseli yeSwaziland News bese kuba nguye,baphike bobabili bananatelane bese senta audio siyikhiphela esiveni.Uhambe abuya-ke ngeva seng-shayelwa ngu-Stufuza abuta kutsi France sewumnike i-video lapho aphika khona yedvwa.Ngitse-ke ku-Stufuza akayifake le-video atiphikele uMlangeni esiveni,licala ngumphikwa”, said the editor.

The editor said he was still waiting for the former MP to come back with his wife for an interview where they will both deny if the story is not true and until Dlamini comes back with the wife to publicly deny the story, the story stands and will not be withdrawn.

Dlamini’s wife refused to support the former MP in his narrative to deny the story.

Ex-MP Frans Dlamini confirms traveling to the United Kingdom(UK) but denies selling home,disappears as editor asked him to call wife in a group call with journalist.
France Dlamini(pic:Internet).