MBABANE: Dr Simon Zwane, the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Health has reminded the Nation to continue taking extra pre-cautions in the midst of the COVID-19 second wave.
Speaking to this Swaziland News in an interview, the Principal Secretary said the virus does not move but it spreads through the movement of human beings, he then emphasised the importance of staying at home, wearing of masks, keeping a social distance and washing of hands among others.
“We would like to advise the Nation to avoid large crowds, it is very important to use masks covering both the nose and mouth.We would also like to emphasise on the importance of washing hands because as we conduct our daily duties, we touch many things and you may find that you have touched surfaces with the virus. I would make an example, while traveling in a bus, you touch the chairs previously touched by someone who was infected, your hands will then be infected and once you touch your face, your whole body get infected,\" said the Principal Secretary.
When asked to describe underlying conditions that put senior citizens at high risk, the Principal Secretary gave examples of diseases like diabetics, hypertension, asthma and cancer among others.
“We call these underlying conditions that put mostly senior citizens at high risk, it is common knowledge that as you grow older, your immune system becomes weak and this places you at high risk of being attacked by viruses including COVID-19. But we need to clarify that, this does not mean the youth is not at risk, we are now seeing young people in their 30s struggling with the virus such that others have died, this means everyone is at risk it’s just that those with underlying conditions that are at high risk”, said the Principal Secretary.
The Health Ministry Controlling Officer further emphasised on the importance of adopting preventive measures in the midst of the COVID-19 second wave, adding that everyone should take the responsibility to assist government in fighting the virus.

Dr Simon Zwane, the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Health.