MBABANE: Dr Simon Zwane, the Principal Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Health said government will soon consult the World Health Organisation(WHO) and the COVAX facility for advice regarding the controversial AstraZeneca vaccines.
Speaking to this Swaziland News, the Principal Secretary said the Ministry was aware of the new information regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine that was suspended in South Africa but said government will consult first so they can take a decision based on scientific evidence.
"The Ministry is aware of this new information regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine and its efficacy against the South African variant and is in consultation with the WHO and the COVAX Facility regarding this to decide on the way forward based on scientific evidence and WHO advise. We will elaborate as more information becomes available to us. There is a possibility that the order might be delayed or canceled",said the Health PS.
Reached for comments, Bheki Mamba, the President of the Swaziland Democratic Nurses Union (SWADNU) said government must cancel the controversial AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
This comes after South African health officials stopped the rollout of the vaccine after a study showed it was less effective against the new strain of COVID-19 that was discovered in that country.
"We take the results by the South African research seriously, it would not be advisable for the State to continue with the order when there are other available high efficacy vaccines", he said.

Eswatini government to consult WHO on controversial AstraZeneca Vaccines(pic:BBC)